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Sunday, April 10, 2011

Another Year Another Garden!

As fellow Bostonians are well aware, this spring has been unpleasantly chilly.. a neverending winter filled with constant snow and record-making curb piles, ice outs, and lots of days "working from home" with shovel in hand and hot cocoa on the stove.  So now that we have finally reached that time of year that we like to call "spring," the constant cold rainy days have left our garden a little...well.. uninspired.  After all, how can we, as responsible urban gardeners, bring little seedlings into a cold, rainy, horrible spring?  It would be irresponsible.. reckless.. miserable... ok fine, it would be a little less fun than last year.

The Ring!!
But, alas, food must still be grown and farmers always work outside of accuweather forecasts... so it's time that we get to it, suck it up, and start some seeds!  And not even a short engagement and upcoming summer wedding are enough of an excuse to push this off any longer (it is April, after all!).

So we set aside the invites, put a pause on the music selection, ignored the seating charts, neglected the dress shopping, drafted the favor making.. oh my! And planted a few little seedies for our summer of love.

The seedies are started!

Of course we had all of the usual suspects: heirloom tomatoes of several varieties, pickling cucumbers, hot jalapeno peppers, green culinary peppers, italian basil, and standard garden variety spinach. We also cut some corners and purchased round yellow tomato seedlings, front-yard broccoli, a second variety of thyme, and italian flat parsley. And, in honor of our big day, I scattered, sifted, and started seven varieties of flowers in our front bed, several seed pockets, and the front yard window box. 

Hopefully with a little luck, moisture, and some S-U-N the little seed-ies will have time to catch up to the more punctual garden counterparts!

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